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Offerton Family News
On this page of our website, we provide news updates and information for our extended family of parents and carers.
Offerton Youth Music Club - May 2024
Skylight Fund
Some excellent news! Offerton Youth Music Club about to be recieve funding from Skylight Community Fund, covering 12 months during 2024 / 2025, and once the paperwork is complete, we will formally announce this and re-brand our publicity accordingly.
Please note that subs / donations are now payable at £60 to cover the Summer term (April to July), or alternatively each session attended @ £5 a night.
Bank Account
Payments direct into our bank account are the best way to pay in. Our account information is:
Name: Stockport Music Project
Sort code: 05 09 33
Account no: 42955731
Gigs & Events
Our Reddish StoMP group will be performing live:
Saturday July 13th (times approx 11am meet / home 4pm ish)
Reddfest (Reddish)
What's App
To ensure we all have instant access to information (eg cancellations, young people can't attend etc), we have a What's App chat group for parents / carers. You will need to download the What's App app to your phone / mobile device, and from there you can also install a Windows PC app.
To join the group from your phone please click:
New Website
We hope you like our new website, but please note it's still a work in progress; in particular please note the following pages:
This page promotes our new weekly session a St Alban's Church. We have a fabulous learning space and hopefully many years of fabulous music learning and activities.
Social Media
This page has links to our social media pages which are central to our publicity and information sharing. Please do join us, follow and like our posts and pages, and help us promote StoMP in a positive light.
This page has the permission forms you completed when joining StoMP ... if you'd like to change any information, add health notifications, change photo permissions etc, please use these forms. Here you will also find our policies which like the website, are being reviewed and renewed.
Thanks and all good things, Darren :-)

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